Makeup Addiction: 12 Signs You’re Makeup Addicted

You can’t live without makeup, and you don’t think that anything is complete unless it has a bit of makeup on it? You feel like you’re not good enough or pretty enough without makeup, and your friends always tell you how much better you look with makeup on? If any of these sound like they could be true for you, then there’s a chance that you may have developed a makeup addiction. Here are some signs to watch out for:

What is makeup addiction?

Makeup addiction is a state of mind when you can’t stop yourself from doing something, even if it’s not good for you.

Makeup addicts love to wear makeup and spend too much time on their appearance because they enjoy the way their skin looks with makeup on or how other people react to them wearing makeup. People become addicted to makeup in different ways; some use it as an expression of creativity, while others may be using it as a coping mechanism due to insecurity or depression. The psychology behind this type of addiction doesn’t matter; what matters understands your relationship with beauty products so that negative habits don’t have the opportunity to kick start into gear.

How do you understand you are a makeup addiction?

It is not an easy thing to understand whether you are a makeup addiction or not. Plenty of people can’t seem to go a day without their beauty products, but that doesn’t mean they’re addicted! It’s quite common for most women and even some men today who want to live up to society’s standards by appearing as always looking good and presentable.

Suppose you find yourself constantly grabbing at your makeup bag before heading out the door in the morning or while going through stressful moments because makeup is somehow soothing. In that case, you might be experiencing symptoms of addiction. First things first: don’t panic! It’s perfectly normal for anyone with these tendencies if taking care of themselves means using cosmetics regularly.

You have a makeup brush cleaner.

If you are a makeup brush cleaner, then you’re makeup addicted. A brush cleaner is a must-have for those who use their brushes regularly and want to make sure they don’t introduce bacteria into the bristles of their makeup tools – but it’s also costly, so as long as you are a makeup addict, you will have one!

If you own more than two sets of eye shadow or cosmetics that cost over $100 each, then chances are there’s no way around it: You may be addicted to makeup. The thing about this type of addiction is that while some people consider themselves collectors because they buy what others might call ‘junk,’ in reality, these collections can get out of hand fast if not kept under control with sensible spending limits.

You can’t stop thinking about what you’re going to wear for the day

Makeup Addiction

When you are having a makeup meltdown, you can’t seem to stop thinking about what you’re going to wear for the day and how that will go with your makeup. You might not even have an outfit picked out yet, but you are still stressing over it because of makeup.

This is usually a sign that you spend way too much time on your appearance, so this could be another key marker in determining whether or not you suffer from makeup addiction. This doesn’t just apply when getting ready in the morning. If you look back at some old photos, there’s probably more than one picture where all three outfits had been pre-planned before stepping into the event simply because they were related to each other through their color schemes or patterns.

Your favorite TV show is “What Not to Wear.”

If your favorite TV show is the makeover show, “What Not to Wear,” then you may be a makeup addict.

It’s not that the show is bad or anything (it isn’t!), but it revels in all of the superficial aspects of fashion and beauty.

The central message: You are what you wear!

This type of thinking has implications for how women feel about themselves on both an individual level and society at large. If success is based solely on appearance, we’re giving people fewer resources fewer opportunities to succeed due to lack of funds. In short, this mentality creates a cycle whereby the privileged stay wealthy while those who have less get poorer because they can’t compete when it comes down to looks alone!

When you go out with friends, they always ask if you want your makeup done

When you go out with friends, they always ask if you want your makeup done. They also say things like “you’re still wearing that?” and “are those stains on your face?”. You’ve invested a lot of money in makeup – some brands are more expensive than others, but you know what’s worth the cost because it works for you.

The truth is there might be something deeper going on here: are these old feelings coming up? If this sounds familiar to you, please get help from someone who knows how to treat addiction issues!

You carry around a small bag of cosmetics in your purse or backpack at all times.

One of the most common signs of makeup addiction is that you carry around a small bag of cosmetics in your purse or backpack at all times. This means not only do you have to be prepared for the day, night, and any situation with makeup on hand, but if someone sees you without it, they will never assume that there’s nothing wrong as people can always tell when someone doesn’t wear makeup!

Your collection could include shadows, liners, lipsticks (and anything else) from various brands like Covergirl, Revlon, and Wet n Wild. You may even delve into the world of contouring – mixing shades until they are perfect for sculpting out one’s face structure. Having such an extensive kit also becomes useful for impromptu touchups while traveling.

If there’s one thing that makes you happy its finding new products from Sephora

If you feel a rush when you get a new makeup product or make your heart rate spike the second, it’s in your hands. That could be a makeup addiction.

  • You tend to buy more makeup than what’s needed for everyday use and have tons of products on backorder waiting to come into stock.
  • If something is not available at Sephora, it will make you sad because there are no other places to sell this type of thing.
  • Allocating time for shopping around different stores looking for these items is an important part of your day.

If this sounds like you, then yes, I’m sorry, but the chances are high that you’re addicted to makeup products! It cannot be easy to control how much money we spend on them.

You can’t find your makeup without a search party

Makeup Addiction

You can’t find your makeup without a search party. You’ve lost hours of your life scrolling through makeup tutorials on YouTube, stalking beauty bloggers’ Instagram pages, and reading up on the newest launches in Sephora’s monthly catalogs.

What were those days like? The days when there wasn’t always something new to try or some new product being released could change everything? It feels so distant now, and every time a bright lipstick tempts you at the drugstore or online, it brings back nostalgic memories from just weeks ago when money seemed limitless because nothing mattered more than getting your hands on one specific item.

You have more than one of the same products in different colors.

If you have more than one of the same products in different colors, it may be a sign that you have a makeup addiction. This is because makeup addicts need to accumulate more and more makeup products over time. Suppose there are multiple items for sale with similar shades or formulas. In that case, it might not seem as bad if you pick up one other item at the store – but this attitude can easily lead to five additional purchases when shopping online!

If your credit card statements show frequent charges from Sephora’s website or Ulta Beauty, or if they’re accompanied by notes about the latest beauty launches that will surely make us forget all our problems (and empty wallets!), then the chances are that we’ve got an addict on our hands.

Your makeup has taken over your bathroom counter space

You have so much makeup, and it has taken over your bathroom counter space, and you don’t know what to do with it. You have makeup by the sink, on the toilet lid, in the back of your closet…you name it! When guests come over, they are like, “Whoa, why does this girl need so much makeup?”

Do you always find yourself wearing two or three different faces at once because all of them make you feel better about yourself? Whether prettier, sexier, cuter, who cares as long as you can see that extra confidence boost whenever taking selfies daily before posting online for tons of likes to get validation from others. That kind of vain behavior is super common among people who are makeup addicts.

You’ve spent more money on makeup than you did on your last vacation.

If you are makeup addicted, you have probably spent more money on makeup than you did last time .you went on vacation. To some makeup addicts, this is the norm; to others, it can be shocking that so much has been spent. We could argue over semantics and say anyone who spends a lot of money on one particular category is an addict. Still, for the sake of simplicity, we will go with addiction in its most basic sense-when something takes control of your life. That’s why there are signs out there warning about such things as gambling addictions or eating disorders-they happen at different levels depending on how deep they get into someone’s psyche.

You start to panic when you realize that there’s no room for new products in your current collection.  

If you start to panic when you realize that there’s no room for new products in your current collection, then it may be time to take a step back and assess the situation. Or if there is, it’s only because you’re buying them. You’ve been contemplating trying makeup dupes or “cheaper” versions of products from higher-priced brands.   

If you find yourself even considering makeup dupes or cheaper versions of high-end brands, this is also a sign something isn’t right with your addiction. If you feel like every purchase has to be extravagant–think again! It’s okay (and healthy) to occasionally buy drugstore buys–or at least consider doing so before hunting down more expensive items.

You can’t remember the last time you went out without makeup

Makeup Addiction

Can you remember the last time you went out without makeup? If you can’t, then this may be a sign of addiction. You know the names and formulas for all your favorite products.

Do you know the name and formula of every product in your collection? Suffice it to say that if you do, then there’s no way that makeup is just an accessory for you.

If one of your friends asks how long it will take before they can come over because they have work tomorrow but want to sleep at their place tonight, only to find out from you that sleeping beauty refers not to Disney princesses but rather when someone sleeps with mascara on so as not to wake up looking like death warmed.

Common FAQ’s

Can you be addicted to makeup?

Yes, you can be makeup addicted. It is a condition when one craves makeup and cannot go without it. They may also feel panic if they do not have access to the cosmetics or know that their supply might run out soon. It can be difficult for some people to stop using makeup, no matter how many negative consequences are happening in their lives.

How do I stop being obsessed with makeup?

To stop being makeup-obsessed, you should first make a conscious decision to quit. The next step is to find alternative activities that are not related to makeup and focus your attention on these instead of the cosmetics. If this isn’t enough, consider seeking professional help from someone who specializes in addiction treatment.

You can always take small steps when it comes to getting off makeup so as not to go cold turkey or end up feeling too overwhelmed about the prospect of quitting at all costs: for example, slowly decrease how often you use your favorite beauty product until you’re able to give it up entirely with minimal issues.

Bottom Line,

Are you a makeup addict? If so, there is no need to worry. You’re not alone, and we are here for you! Our team of experts can help walk you through the process of understanding what it means to be addicted to makeup and how best to break free from this addiction. Contact us today if you want more information about our services or just general advice on any personal struggles affecting your life. We care about your success as much as ours!