Declutter When Overwhelmed: 40 Easy Ways to Start

How to Declutter When Overwhelmed ? Many people feel overwhelmed when they think about how much stuff they have accumulated in their homes and start decluttering. The good news is that there are many simple ways you can get started with decluttering, even if you don’t know where to begin! In this blog post, we will discuss how you can get started decluttering by focusing on just one room at a time. We’ll also give some tips for how to add more space into your home so that it feels less cluttered.

1. Start small

Tackle one area of your home at a time, even if it’s just 10 minutes. Pick up the clutter and trash what you don’t use or need anymore. Throw out the magazines sitting on the coffee table; don’t worry about sorting through papers for bills to pay or other important documents–bag them up for shredding.

2. Let go of the guilt

If you bought something with good intentions and it’s no longer useful, let it go. You can sell, donate or trash it–whatever works best in your space and makes you happiest (and most importantly, clutter-free).

3. Put on some music

Declutter When Overwhelmed

Make decluttering a fun event, not an overwhelming chore. Keep your favorite albums nearby for inspiration, or set up a playlist with motivating tunes so you can dance while you clean.

4. Think outside the box(es)

Boxes are great because they hold stuff neatly, but sometimes, it’s necessary to break free from their confines. Think big and use your imagination to develop clever ways of storing items that don’t require a lot of space: hang stuff on the wall, mount floating shelves, and stack things vertically in corners or against walls.

5. Yell for help

If you need the motivation to move past your clutter, invite your family over to pitch in (or tell them to stay out of the area while you work). Bribe kids by trading simple chores for your decluttering time; promise teens a trip to their favorite store if they help you get rid of stuff.

6. Get moving

Forget about sitting or standing while you clean; it doesn’t matter which way you lean while you work. Do what feels right to you to break up the monotony of mindless tasks, even if it means swiveling in your chair or dancing around.

7. Do a ‘dirty’ job daily

Rather than waiting for your house to pile up with clutter, take care of one dirty chore each day–like washing dishes, putting laundry away, or doing the dishes.

8. Think different

Use your imagination to adapt your home for maximum storage space–if you can’t find a table, build one that has hidden drawers; if you need drawer space, explore stacking drawers that sit above each other on dresser shelves.

9. Shop strategically

If you have a hard time parting with your stuff, agree with yourself to try not to purchase anything new for at least a month. Remember how much unnecessary clutter you already have when browsing the shops and saving up for bigger ticket items like furniture or electronics.

10. Repair rather than replace

Declutter When Overwhelmed

When things need fixing, put time and effort into repairing them, so you don’t have to buy new ones.

11. Create storage space

Use clutter-proof storage containers in every room, especially the living/family room; shelving units are great for corralling items like DVD collections or books, while under-bed storage keeps things out of sight (and helps with mattress maintenance).

12. Utilize vertical space

Rather than filling up the surface area in your living room, create hidden storage by hanging baskets on the wall for storing essentials like remote controls or DVDs; extend drawers so you can fit more stuff inside.

13. Tidy up after meals

Make it a habit to clear the table and sweep the floor after you eat; it’ll keep the kitchen clutter-free and help with meal preparation later.

14. Build a fortress

If your kids tend to leave their toys all over the house, build them a toy fort or cubby that they can’t climb out of (or just put up a baby gate so they can’t roam without supervision).

15. Make your bed

It’s one of the easiest ways to declutter because it gets rid of unnecessary stuff–like stray pillows, extra blankets, and dust bunnies–that tend to accumulate on top of items you use every day (like your alarm clock or phone charger).

16. Create a ‘done’ box

Declutter When Overwhelmed

Save empty boxes you get from online purchases or new purchases for storing things that are easy to lose (like stray remotes, spare change, or chargers). Make them easily accessible by putting them in a visible spot like your coffee table.

17. Use technology to help

Install organizing apps on your phone-like the free HomeRoutines Lite (for iPhone and Android)–to simplify and streamline tasks like putting laundry away, clearing clutter, and more.

18. Create a ‘junk’ drawer

Rather than have piles of junk all over the house, create a designated space for miscellaneous items so you can easily find things when you need them.

19. Get a handle on hardware

Keep your screws and nails in a designated jar; label each with the piece of furniture or equipment it goes to and use your label maker (or you can buy some inexpensive labels at office supply stores like Staples) to keep things organized.

20. Clean as you go

Instead of leaving dirty dishes in the sink or letting clothes pile up on your bedroom floor, keep countertops and surfaces clean by washing them immediately after you use them.

21. Unroll a rug

Declutter When Overwhelmed

When you need an extra surface to eat on, pull out a small area rug instead of laying down plates or newspapers; it’ll make cleanup easier.

22. Use your vents

If you have a fireplace, use it to ventilate out any stale air trapped in the house during wintertime; to cut down on heating costs, close it up when you don’t need it.

23. Tidy up after parties

Keep the house clutter-free by restoring order as soon as you can after an event; pick up stray glasses and plates, remove streamers and put away party favors (and toss the ones that are damaged to prevent them from becoming litter).

24. Make organizing a family activity

Assign everyone who lives in your house a specific area of responsibility; whether it’s cleaning up after them or picking out what should be donated or recycled, it’ll help you keep clutter under control.

25. Suspend ‘tidying up’

Instead of focusing on making everything neat, let the mess pile up for a few days; then move rooms or drawers until things are organized–you might find that your space is larger than you thought.

26. Invest in a storage ottoman

It’ll help corral loose items and provide extra seating, so your home doesn’t feel cluttered. 27. Go digital for decluttering.   Download the free Decluttr app (for iPhone) to start selling your old tech, DVDs, and books today; it’s easy to use, and you’ll get an immediate offer for your stuff.

28. Donate it now

If you’re not sure whether to keep something or let it go, don’t worry about making the wrong decision; take a photo of what you have, post it online with details on where to pick up the item if someone wants it, and then leave it alone.

29. Declutter your desk

Declutter When Overwhelmed

Keep your sticky notes, pens, and paperclips in the same place every time instead of having them spread out everywhere; this will make them much easier to find when you need them (and helps prevent clutter from building up).

30. Get rid of old photos

If your photo albums are overflowing, start scanning old photos to be saved on CDs or online–and then sell off the albums.

31. Decorate with plants

Instead of filling every surface with knick-knacks and decorative items that’ll gather dust, use potted plants to create a warm and inviting living space that you’ll enjoy.

32. Always return things to their proper place

It only takes seconds to put something away where it belongs, so do it even if you don’t feel like it; keeping items in their proper home will cut down on clutter considerably.

33. Introduce a paper-free zone

Make your desk or dining room into a paper-free zone; keep only essential items (such as pens and paperwork) on hand, and get rid of anything you don’t need.

34. Declutter for good at the New Year

Set aside an afternoon to go through all of your belongings and gather them into three piles: one pile to be kept, one to be donated, and one to be recycled.

35. Go through your closet

When you come across clothes that don’t fit or are out of style, take them to a consignment or vintage store so someone else can get some use out of them.

36. Open the windows

If there’s no breeze outside, open up a window or two to let fresh air into the room and clear out any stale energy that could be hanging around.

37. Declutter your car

Before you put anything back in your car, make sure it’s useful; if not, remove those items (or find a new home for them), so they don’t clog up your trunk.

38. Do a little every day

Start small by finding one or two minutes each day to put things away where they belong–at the end of the week; you’ll have finished decluttering your home without much effort.

39. Clean up after yourself

When you’re done cooking or eating, do the dishes right away instead of letting them pile up in the sink–it’ll make your home feel more organized, and you’ll save time by not having to soak pots overnight.

40. Get rid of junk mail   

A good rule of thumb is that if you’ve never opened an item or letter, it’s junk; take a few minutes one day to toss all of the junk mail that came through your home.


How to Declutter When Overwhelmed ? We’ve got your back with this guide to decluttering! If you follow these 40 easy ways, we guarantee that everything will be neatly tucked away the next time you open up a cupboard or closet door. The first step is admitting there’s a problem – are your closets overflowing with clothes right now? What about those old CDs from college or all of those broken electronics taking over your garage? You don’t have to live an overwhelmed life any longer- let us help you out today by following our tips for relief!